The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers from southern France to share their recent scientific advances in the field of chromatin biology.
Organizers hope that this meeting will encourage informal exchanges on current projects, fostering new research opportunities and collaborations.
Importantly, young researchers (PhD students, post-docs, and recently recruited researchers) are strongly encouraged to present their work.
Keynote speaker is Céline Vallot (Institut Curie, Paris), whose research focuses on the dynamics of epigenetic plasticity in cancer at the single-cell level.
Our other invited speakers include:
• Yad Ghavi-Helm (IGFL, Lyon)
• Mathilde Poplineau (from Estelle Duprez’s lab, CRCM, Marseille)
• Frédéric Bantignies (IGH, Montpellier)
• Jérôme Moreaux (IGH, Montpellier)
• Rafael Galupa (MCD, Toulouse)
Registration is free but mandatory and will close mid April